Managed WordPress Hosting is definitely designed and optimized for WordPress websites. In other words, it takes care of all the technical facet of WordPress for you and allowing you to focus on creating and sharing the great content. When you have the managed WordPress ghosting then, you don–t have to worry about site updates, site speed, uptime, or anything like that.
Soo many hosting companies use their own CDN and server-level caching, so you don–t have to rely on cache plugins such as w3 total cache or wp super cache. This type of hosting is very perfect for those who don–t have any technical skills or time to manage a server.
Here we have some features of WordPress hosting that are explained below:
AUTOMATICALLY MANAGED UPDATES: Managed WordPress hosting can take these a step further by automatically applying security fixes as soon as they come out — in the same way as they apply extensive WordPress version updates to sites. Where possible, some companies will even notify you in advance of such updates to assure you always have abundant time to prepare.
With the all managed WordPress hosts, using the latest version of WordPress is usually enforced. This not only makes your website more secure and flexible (by closing any known security holes as quickly as possible), it also makes the host–s network more secure as a whole — the benefits of which will flow down to you as a customer (more overall uptime, fewer attacks, etc).
AUTOMATIC AND MANUAL BACKUPS: Because of the popularity of WordPress, specialized hosts can make the backup procedure faster, more efficient and reliable. What–s more, having the host make regular backups also make your site easier to restore and it will also easy to handle. Having your host make regular backups then, that can easily be used is possible because the host is in the perfect position to understand the fixed structure of the WordPress. This also lends itself to their next feature.
BETTER WORDPRESS SUPPORT: Your mileage with support will vary from one company to the other company, but I think it–s safe to say an average managed WordPress host support will (or at least should) know automatically more about the WordPress than a regular non-specialist host–s support. Since WordPress is just one system, it–s very easier to solve any problems that arise in your system or any other problem.
AUTOMATIC WORDPRESS SETUP: This is a feature that allows you to get up and running with a new WordPress site in seconds. When you need a new site, a complete WordPress install (and the necessary database connection, etc) will be created automatically a new site including SEO features. You just need to do is fill out a short form with some admin and site details.
STAGING ENVIRONMENTS: This is the best features for the developer or the site manager. A staging environment starts out as an ideal copy of your existing site, which is only useful to you personally (or it has an obscure URL). Also, this is super handy for the testing out new plugins/themes or updating/modifying code before applying any changes to your live site.
BETTER CACHING: Because of the predictable nature of the WordPress environment. A very efficient nature of the server-side caching solution can be easily implemented, and it can dramatically impact your site speed by making sure each page is cached as adequately as possible and for as long as possible.
With the better caching, both the website owner and the hosts are happier. This is because, by using the very good caching system possible, a website will run faster and require fewer server resources, which, in turn, will help the host save money.