Choosing the Right Gadget for Developing an Online Business

Doing business in modern times is closely related to the use of the internet for business continuity. The online field is also currently crowded with business actors who set up their shops to reach more consumers via the internet. Whether on social media or the marketplace, the right communication and marketing strategies are needed to optimize business capabilities through online stores. On the other hand, in practice, gadgets are needed ranging from smartphones, laptops to tablets that help business actors execute all communication and marketing needs digitally. Even though it looks easy, choosing a gadget to increase your online business needs to be considered carefully, one of which is that the gadgets that have been purchased may not function as you want. No need to worry about choosing the right gadget to improve your online store, here we summarize the tips.


Determine the Main Use

Before buying, first determine the main use of the gadget you want to use. Does your online store’s communication and marketing strategy allow for the use of gadgets for product review needs and simple catalog images? Or is it only limited to replying to messages and receiving orders? For evenly distributed needs, a flexible smartphone is highly recommended because it is easy to carry wherever the user goes. Also pay attention to the quality of the camera on the smartphone. In addition to megapixels, the default camera should have a large sensor to create photos with less noise. So that later, the uploaded images and videos will look clear and not disappoint buyers.

Minimum 4G Connection

To be able to use the internet network, you need a gadget with a normal connection. Slow connections can hamper the performance of your online store. On some social media, abnormal connections can also affect the quality of uploaded content. Do not allow your business to run out of potential buyers just because of trivial matters. Make sure the gadget you use for business supports the fastest internet network today, which is 4G LTE. So that later, the communication or marketing process that is tried through online stores will not stagnate.

Long Lasting Battery Capacity

It takes an average of 2 to 3 hours to fully charge a gadget battery before use. If your gadget’s battery dies during use, your online store activities can be hampered because you have to wait for energy charging first. Although it is permissible, charging a gadget at the same time as its use is not recommended. Because this can stimulate the formation of battery corrosion which can cause the gadget to heat quickly and be easily damaged. Choose a gadget with a battery capacity that can last up to 6 hours and regularly recharge. If necessary, provide more than one gadget with different types so that its utilization can be maximized.

Pay Attention to Memory Capacity

The use of gadgets in online stores generally includes multitasking which requires users to switch applications. Large gadget memory capacity is needed for this activity. The recommended RAM or memory capacity for smartphones, laptops and tablets that will be used for business needs is 8GB. Activities such as replying to messages from buyers, recapitulating orders and other computing can be tried simultaneously on gadgets with a RAM capacity of 8GB or more. Continues to be large RAM capacity, continues to be easy to use. Business communication and marketing activities that are tried digitally will also be more productive in the future.

Selection of the Right Surgical System

There are many surgical systems used in gadgets out there. Call it Windows, iOS, Android, Tyzen, or Blackberry. However, there are only 3 that are used by Indonesians in general, namely iOS, Android and Windows. Generally, some application developers only focus on one or two operating systems that have a lot of users. Therefore, it is better to check first, whether the social media and marketplace that you want to target as an online site for your business development is supported by one of the gadget operating systems that you want to buy.