Playing games often makes people lose track of time. Is that right, Spacer? It’s hard to finish before you have succeeded in defeating all the enemies or getting the targeted reward. Therefore, having a maintaining gaming computer that has qualified specifications is important to support your gaming activities.

However, this is not enough. You also need to take care of it so that the performance of the features is always maintained. Don’t let your device suddenly encounter lag in the middle of a game just because you are lazy to take care of it, whether it’s due to physical conditions or applications that haven’t been updated.
Well, so that this doesn’t happen, you have to do the following things so that the performance of the gaming computer is always maintained and the activity of playing games won’t be sluggish either.
Regularly Sterilize Dust
This one guide may sound very basic, but it seems that many people still ignore it. Just like any other machine that has a ventilation chamber, dust will definitely enter your gaming PC, spacer. Over time, if left unchecked, dust and dirt will accumulate in your device and cover the important components in it. As a result, your computer will have difficulty circulating air so it can cause overheating.
At least, once every 3 months, take the time to clean your computer. Continue to be frequent, it will definitely continue to be good. Before doing this, don’t forget to turn off the computer’s features, make sure that the power supply is in the off position and unplug all cables.
If you install a case on a gaming PC, make sure you remove it too. check the state of the case. If it looks dirty, rinse immediately with water. Make sure the conditions are completely dry before you put the case back on your computer.
Good Cable Installation
Usually, every gaming computer is equipped with a solid power supply. Such power supplies usually have a large number of wires. If you use a modular power supply, you probably won’t encounter problems in terms of cable installation because you can easily attach and remove cables that are not used. However, for those who use a non-modular power supply, you will most likely be faced with a cable installation that is not neat near the computer.
Well, a cable in an untidy condition has the potential to cause a short circuit, spacer. What’s more, this situation can also cover the computer’s fan section so that the airflow also becomes not easy. To fix this, you should position the cable behind the motherboard. If you use a large casing on your computer, you can provide space on the back of the casing for a place to store cables to be connected to each feature. That way, the cable will look neater and your computer will also have an unobstructed air flow.
Graphics Card Driver Update
The performance of a computer game is determined by many things, one of which is the graphics card. The good news is, maintaining the performance of the graphics card isn’t difficult at all as long as you update regularly. If you don’t try it, you can be sure that your computer’s performance will decrease even if you experience prolonged lag. Luckily again, most graphics card manufacturers such as Nvidia and AMD will regularly update the drivers on the gaming PC that you are using. That way, your computer’s performance can always increase and get used to every new game you install.
Defrag Your Gaming Computer’s Hard Drive
As time goes by and consumption increases, the performance of gaming computers will experience a decrease. However, you can avoid this by regularly defragging the hard drive components. Inside the hard drive, there are various zones that hold your data on your computer separately. The more often you use your computer, the more information the hard drive will hold. This is what makes the hard drive have to work harder to find and load the information you ask for.
By doing a defrag, the disks on your hard drive don’t need to read something that was deleted first. Not only that, this step can also improve internal organization properly. If you don’t defrag, the hard drive will continue to read something that is no longer there and will make the gaming PC run slower. However, you don’t need to defrag if you are using an SSD because it will actually shorten it