Peek 6 Tips on Caring for a Laptop Battery that Is Not Leaking and Durable

For some people, laptops have become a primary need. All activities can be done with a laptop, from doing tasks, working, watching movies to listening to music.
Well, to support all your activities from a laptop, usually besides looking at the spec of the laptop, battery life is also one of the considerations for choosing a laptop. In fact, the durability of a laptop battery depends on the use and maintenance of the laptop battery itself. Here are tips for taking care of your laptop battery.

1. Set Low Light

One feature that takes up a lot of battery power is the screen. Light that is too bright can make the battery power quickly drained. So, every use surely you set it with low contrast so that the battery lasts longer.

2. Minimize the use of applications

Allowing your laptop to run multiple applications at one time clearly makes your laptop work harder which can make the battery drain faster. So, surely you close all applications that are no longer used so that the laptop battery is durable.

3. Rest when charged

Maintaining a laptop while charging is a habit that is difficult to live. In fact, that
Let your battery not be damaged quickly, every time you recharge, try to really rest. So the battery can fully power itself.

4. Don’t get overheated

Well, one of the causes of a damaged battery is overheating from the laptop itself. Use that is too long without a laptop fan can make your laptop overheat. To overcome this, try to use a laptop fan so that the laptop battery is durable.

5. Avoid total exhaustion or charge too long

If the fun of playing laptops is usually very often you forget to charge and leave the battery running out completely because it is fun watching movies. Without you knowing it, habits like this can make your laptop battery damaged. During heavy usage, try to directly charge when the battery is still 50, if you use it lightly, you can wait up to 30.
On the contrary it is also like overcharging. Leave your laptop charged when the battery is full it can damage the battery’s performance itself. Better, if it’s full, just revoke it.
6. Control the usage time

The name electronic goods must have their own capacity. If you want to have a laptop battery last, yes you also have to condition it with usage time. Make sure your laptop still has a rest time and don’t force it continuously.
If you want to have a laptop that is durable and doesn’t break easily, you better follow these tips. A leaky laptop battery is sure to reduce the performance of your laptop. Instead of buying a new one, it’s better to start guarding the laptop battery.