How To Create Dashboard Layout In Android ?

android dashboardAs a reference i am using a number of the code from Google I/ app On this article i’m taking an example of fb android dashboard display screen and beneath is a screenshot of ultimate output. Right Click on src/package (com.example.multicolumnlistview) ⇒ New ⇒ Class and identify it as and fill it with following code. Entrance to the market: following patterns might play an necessary role in selling the appliance on the app market’y. As part of the campaign, specifically marked packages of Kitkat with Andy the Green Android on the bundle every contained a sweepstakes code that could win a new Nexus 7 Android tablet or Google Play retailer credit. App Maker Retailer is another fun Android app maker that makes use of HTML 5 and presents a very simple building interface. You’ll be able to promote your app through Amazon or Google Play, embrace advertisements, and make apps … Read More

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